Who broke the snowman?
This is a mockumentary story that tells that snowmen are not as simple as they seem.
Science knows all about snow. Snow is a physical atmospheric phenomenon that poses many threats to humans. Studying the explosion of biodiversity on our planet since the end of the ice age, scientists have concluded that the snow cover contains tons of micro-organisms from outer space. Space dust covers the earth’s surface layer by layer, and in winter, the concentration of alien bacteria in the snow increases even more.
The book is completely assembled and sewn by hand, it has inserts with snowmen, a brochure with items, and a weather map.
2023 edition
circulation 20 copies
56 pages
size 148×210 mm
Open binding, hard cover
price 2600
Who broke the snowman?
For thousands of years, people have been creating scarecrows in their own likeness from handicrafts. In northern countries, for example, snow figures have been moulded since ancient times. Research by scientists has shown how right our distant ancestors were in bestowing supernatural qualities on snowmen.
Science knows all about snow. Snow is a physical atmospheric phenomenon that poses many threats to humans. Studying the explosion of biodiversity on our planet since the end of the ice age, scientists have concluded that the snow cover contains tons of micro-organisms from outer space. Space dust covers the earth’s surface layer by layer, and in winter, the concentration of alien bacteria in the snow increases even more.
According to a study by the International Group of Scientists, space dust at rest is not harmful to humans. But scientists also know that the mutation of micro-organisms accumulated in the snowpack occurs when snowmen are sculpted from pressing, rubbing and shaping them into a spherical shape. The longer the snow remains in the compacted form of a snow globe, the more likely it is that this mutation will culminate in the birth of a space alien.
The snowman stands motionless while the ongoing chemical processes inside it produce a poisonous vapour. This is why the person next to it often experiences asphyxiation, headaches, panic.
The snow globe is the ideal environment for the alien creature to develop. It takes 15 months to fully mature, but due to our planet’s climatic conditions, the creature does not have time to mature and simply melts.
Many people have an irresistible urge to destroy the snowman as something sinister and alien. Scientists argue that this reaction is a fear for one’s life when danger is detected, inherited from our ancestors.